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Full Episode Listing

A complete list of episodes from The CX Leader Podcast.

CX For Start-ups, Part 2

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Episode #214

Released: April 26, 2022

In Part 1 of "CX for Start-ups" guest Jen Batley discussed why it’s so important for new companies to really be in-tune with their customers. Knowing their needs while providing a product or service that disrupts the field is critical for start-ups. But what if you’ve been around for a while and are looking to scale-up? Are you providing what you promised to your customers? How are you listening to your customers while you grow your company? Host Steve Walker welcomes back Jen Batley of Batley Advisory to discuss companies looking to scale-up their business.

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CX For Start-ups, Part 1

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Episode #213

Released: April 19, 2022

New business owners have a lot to think about when trying to get their company off the ground, and hopefully one of the many things in their mental "to-do" list is customer experience. We’ve always maintained that a strong CX program and customer-centric culture is vital in today’s business environment, and that’s just as true for new companies. But how do you get started? What insights should you gather first? And what about scalability? In the two-episode series, Steve Walker welcomes Jen Batley, founder and executive consultant for Batley Advisory, for a discussion on what starts-ups should know regarding customer experience when getting their company off the ground.

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Operational Excellence Leads to Better CX

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Episode #212

Released: April 12, 2022

With supply chain shortages throughout the globe CX pros are reminded how operational logistics can affect the customer experience. All companies have some sort of operational processes – shipping, legal work, graphics design, as a few examples - so it’s important to consider how the efficiency of your operations impacts the customer experience. Host Steve Walker welcomes Dr. John Olson, professor of operations and supply chain management and program director of the masters of business analytics at the University of St. Thomas in Minneapolis, Minnesota, for a discussion on why CX leaders should drive the move towards operational excellence.

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CX Through Partner Channels

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Episode #211

Released: April 5, 2022

Many companies rely on partners to deliver the best results for their customers – we here at Walker enjoy the benefits of being a member of the Qualtrics Partner Network. But any CX pro will know that it may not be particularly easy to manage the experience when it’s in another organization’s hands, and it’s natural to want to ensure that any experience your customers have with you or your partner reflects your brand promise. So how do you manage the experience beyond your own walls? Host Steve Walker welcomes Andrew Carothers, senior manager of digital experience at Cisco, for a discussion on delivering exceptional experience to and through your partner channels.

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What Gets Measured Gets Done

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Episode #210

Released: March 29, 2022

Building a CX program from the ground up can be a challenge, especially in a field such as healthcare. Where do you start? What’s most important to customers? How do we develop a customer – or “member” – centric culture? Host Steve Walker welcomes Gratia Carver, vice president and chief experience officer at Blue Cross Blue Shield of Kansas City, or “Blue KC”, for why measurement is such a crucial practice to building a customer-centric culture.

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It Starts with Employees

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Episode #209

Released: March 22, 2022

The customer experience profession is evolving to recognize the importance of going beyond the customer. If a company’s culture doesn’t include employee experiences then it will be difficult to mature a CX program. Host Steve Walker welcomes Karyn Furstman, vice president and Head of CX Strategy & Solutions at Designit, for a discussion on building a customer-focused culture through employee experience.

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Designing for Beautiful

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Episode #207

Released: March 8, 2022

Just as a car requires regular maintenance, customer experience programs need regular evaluation, leading to small "tune ups" - or complete overhauls - so they deliver the best possible results for your company. For a company that produces live events, the pandemic presented lots of challenges that required their CX program to adapt. Host Steve Walker welcomes Christine Beishline from Freeman to discuss how they “design for beautiful,” always keeping the end results in mind when evaluating the effectiveness of the customer experience and making changes to deliver the best possible results for the company.

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Just like any other business process, customer experience programs need occasional review and scrutiny to ensure it delivers the best possible experience. This is true even if your program seems to be running smoothly. Guest host Pat Gibbons welcomes Luis Angel-Lalanne from American Express to discuss the process in which they transformed how customer sentiment was gathered to help improve their CX.

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Becoming an Experiential Brand

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Episode #205

Released: February 22, 2022

Live events can also be great way to gather insights into your customers while providing an exceptional experience. More companies are designing events to provide almost over-the-top experiences to help engage with their customers. So how do you design a great event AND gather the insights you need to improve your customer experience? Host Steve Walker welcomes Jonathan Yaffe from AnyRoad to discuss how some companies have become an experiential brand.

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The Empowered Frontline

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Episode #204

Released: February 15, 2022

CX professionals know that the frontline employees can be a great source of customer insights. And customers often supply feedback in ways they often never realize. Having your employees recognize and communicate that feedback can provide valuable insights, and in some cases, warn you of potentially major problems. Host Steve Walker welcomes Stephanie McFarland from McFarland PR and Public Affairs, to discuss the importance of empowering employees to deliver good experiences.

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Cutting Through the Digital Noise

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Episode #203

Released: February 8, 2022

If your company is not providing a digital experience at some level then you’ve already missed the boat. If you consider the possibilities of personalizing a digital experience, then you have a potentially powerful tool that can differentiate your company from competitors. So, how do you personalize the digital experience? Host Steve Walker welcomes Michael Scharff, CEO at Evolv Technologies, for a discussion on personalizing digital experiences.

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The Tenant Experience

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Episode #202

Released: February 1, 2022

Businesses and organizations have had to endure drastic changes in the last two years, and the way business owners manage their office space is no exception. With more employees working from home, business leaders have had to rethink how they use their commercial space, and landlords and property managers are starting to think about their tenants’ experience while they work to adapt to the current environment. Host Steve Walker welcomes Nora Hughes and Lauren Mead from HqO to discuss the tenant experience.

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The Year of Agility

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Episode #201

Released: January 25, 2022

This podcast has always maintained that customer experience is one of the best differentiators you can leverage in driving customer loyalty. And there’s yet another piece of research that is proving this assertion, with customers giving companies a clear warning about 2022: “we won’t tolerate bad experiences.” Host Steve Walker welcomes Bruce Temkin, head of the Qualtrics XM Institute, to discuss the results of their "2022 Global Consumer Trends" report.

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It’s a Great Time to be a CX Leader

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Episode #200

Released: January 18, 2022

In the 200th episode of The CX Leader Podcast, host Steve Walker and guests Sonya McAllister and Sean Clayton reminisce on how customer experience has evolved since the podcast began in 2018, how businesses' views and acceptance of CX have changed in those four years, and what customer experience will look like in 2022.

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The State of CX Management in 2021

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Episode #199

Released: January 11, 2022

Fresh into a new year is often a good time to look at how customer experience is progressing within companies. The XM Institute has recently published their report, "The State of CX Management" which examines the CX efforts and maturity of several companies. Host Steve Walker welcomes back Moira Dorsey from the XM Institute to discuss the findings from the report.

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Get Comfortable Saying “Yes”

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Episode #198

Released: January 4, 2022

Even in an era where self-service options are becoming essential to many companies’ customer experience, the contact center is still a large part of many organizations’ frontline efforts. But how has call center technology adapted to accommodate customer experience, and how aligned is your company's culture to providing the best possible experience for your customers? Host Steve Walker welcomes Steve Bederman from NobleBiz for a discussion on how contact center technology and culture can have a large impact on customer experience.

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The Self-Service Experience

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Episode #197

Released: December 21, 2021

A new report has found that more people are looking for self-service options to find help with their products and services but many companies' online support and documentation is not able to handle the task. This can create problems for companies offering support and frustration for customers who simple want to find simple solutions for simple problems online. Steve Walker welcomes Gal Oron, CEO of Zoomin, a software company that helps global enterprises turn their documentation into a mission-critical asset that supports every part of the customer journey, for a discussion on why companies should offer self-service options.

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Human Resources: the CX Pro’s Partner

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Episode #196

Released: December 14, 2021

The employee experience is becoming more critical in making certain your company has the best possible customer experience. But there’s one department that is critical in establishing and maintaining an effective EX program: human resources. Host Steve Walker welcomes Dr. Cecelia Herbert, a certified experience management professional and a principal XM catalyst for the Qualtrics XM Institute, for a discussion on the importance of building relationships with human resources to improve the customer and employee experience.

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CX for Small Businesses

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Episode #195

Released: December 7, 2021

It can be argued that small businesses make the backbone of the U.S. economy. According to a study conducted by the Small Business Administration released in 2019, small businesses generated 44% of the U.S economic activity and created two-thirds of net new jobs. Granted those numbers would likely look different given the reality of the COVID pandemic, but it still underscores the importance of small businesses in the U.S. But how does customer experience work in small business environments and given limited resources within small businesses how can they make certain the customer’s journey is as frictionless as possible? Guest host Pat Gibbons welcomes Rebecca Grimes, chief revenue officer at Ruby, to discuss how small businesses can still have great customer experience.

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