Special Episode: Live with CXPA – 10 Traits of Effective CX Leaders
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Note: this episode is an encore presentation of the Live with CXPA event, “10 Traits of Effective CX Leaders” which premiered on March 8th, 2022. You can also watch a video presentation of this event on CXPA’s Vimeo channel.
What makes an effective leader in customer experience? On this special episode of The CX Leader Podcast and Live with CXPA, host Steve Walker leads a discussion with panelists Lauri Jones (Walker), Sandra Mathis (Microsoft) and Johnathan Ruchman (Brookdale Senior Living) on ten traits of effective CX leaders. You can also download a free resource on this topic at walkerinfo.com/effectivecxleader.
Tags: traits Lauri Jones leadership CXPA Brookdale Senior Living Steve Walker Gabe Smith Jonathan Ruchman Sandra Mathis leaders CXPA Live Microsoft