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Episodes tagged “data”

The CX Conundrum of Changing Minds

The CX Conundrum of Changing Minds

Released: September 3, 2024 • Episode #327

It’s not easy changing people’s minds. But we’re approaching a season in which customer experience professionals are working hard to convince executives and peers on the value of adopting a customer-centric mindset. WE as CX pros know the value of our efforts, but sometimes we have to convince others of its advantages. And sometimes data isn’t enough. We have to balance the data with storytelling to build confidence in others about the value of customer experience. Troy Powell hosts with guests Pat Gibbons, SVP at Walker, and Megan Burns, a customer experience expert, author, and keynote speaker.

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Data and Design Make Great Experiences

Data and Design Make Great Experiences

Released: November 7, 2023 • Episode #292

There's an adage that implies designers and data scientists sometimes don't always see eye to eye. Designers look for esthetics and the functionality while developers and researchers lean towards the data. Why is that? We can all get along and there's no reason why we can't work together! You can use data to create usable and esthetic designs that support excellent customer experiences. Host Pat Gibbons welcomes Caroline Quinlan, digital CX manager for Electric Ireland, for a discussion on how data combined with design thinking can create amazing customer experiences.

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The CX Plus EX Recipe

The CX Plus EX Recipe

Released: May 23, 2023 • Episode #268

Combining your customer experience and employee experiences can have a tremendous impact on your overall experience efforts. But what does that look like from the data perspective – how do they link and why would it be advantageous? Host Steve Walker welcomes Tanner Smith, senior analyst at Walker, for a discussion on linking CX and EX data and how it benefits the organization's experience programs.

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The Data Endgame

The Data Endgame

Released: January 3, 2023 • Episode #248

Some organizations collect very little data and some collect a ton of data. But like many other aspects of customer experience, CX pros should be thinking of the end goal when designing programs and integrating their data. A "data diet:" everything in moderation. As part of our continuing series "CX Now: Eight Essential Themes Driving CX Evolution," host Steve Walker welcomes Ashley Hicks for a discussion on how CX pros can organize, integrate, and constructively access their data to make better business decisions.

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Creating Structure out of Unstructured Data

Creating Structure out of Unstructured Data

Released: December 13, 2022 • Episode #246

Data is everywhere! And CX pros have structured ways to keep it all organized. But what about all the UNstructured data your customers provide? While there are some challenges in using unstructured data, it has the potential to bring a rich set of insights about your customer experience efforts. Host Steve Walker welcomes Ellen Loeshelle, director of product management, XM Discover at Qualtrics, for a discussion on how customer experience professionals can take advantage of the tools available to extract the value from unstructured data.

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Predicting the Future

Predicting the Future

Released: November 29, 2022 • Episode #244

The data companies collect can be valuable in providing insights into the past and current behaviors of customers. But that data can also be useful in predicting trends and behaviors in the future. Continuing the series "CX Now: Eight Essential Themes Driving CX Evolution," host Steve Walker welcomes Dr. Troy Powell for a discussion on how companies can use their customer data to perform predictive analysis using A.I., natural language processing, and other tools to anticipate customer needs and actions.

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Just Look at the Data

Just Look at the Data

Released: September 20, 2022 • Episode #234

Data is important for customer experience. Providing a great experience is certainly a good thing, but it’s not enough to assume that your program is delivering. You must gather the data necessary to either confirm you’re doing it right, or find you need to make some changes in order to improve your CX. Host Steve Walker welcomes Tim Thoman, President and CEO of Performance Services, a company that designs and constructs high performance buildings, for a discussion on how they integrate customer data into their business' decision-making process.

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This Data or That Data?

This Data or That Data?

Released: May 10, 2022 • Episode #216

In a world that generates thousands of terabytes of data every single day, it's important to be a little picky on what type of data to gather. Customer experience professionals rely on data to understand their customer’s needs. But what data do you collect? How does a CX leader determine what information is meaningful and what is simply noise? Host Steve Walker welcomes Azlan Raj, chief marketing officer of the EMEA at Merkle, for a discussion on how a CX pro determines what kind of data to gather.

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Do Your Homework

Do Your Homework

Released: October 8, 2019 • Episode #87

Companies often hire implementation specialists to help get their customer listening technology up and running, but don’t do the necessary preparation required to make the process happen smoothly. Guest host Pat Gibbons welcome Walker technology consultants Liz Wallshield and Charlie Rumsey to talk about some of the step companies should take to make the implementation process happen smoothly and on schedule.

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The Story of the Customer

The Story of the Customer

Released: July 12, 2019 • Episode #76

Customer experience professionals work with a ton of data, but often find that they don’t have time to read some of the most insightful sources of information: customer comments. Steve welcomes Joyce Gott, a marketing research manager at Anthem, Inc. for a discussion on the importance and value of bringing customer comments to life within your company.

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