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Episodes tagged “Megan Burns”

The CX Conundrum of Changing Minds

The CX Conundrum of Changing Minds

Released: September 3, 2024 • Episode #327

It’s not easy changing people’s minds. But we’re approaching a season in which customer experience professionals are working hard to convince executives and peers on the value of adopting a customer-centric mindset. WE as CX pros know the value of our efforts, but sometimes we have to convince others of its advantages. And sometimes data isn’t enough. We have to balance the data with storytelling to build confidence in others about the value of customer experience. Troy Powell hosts with guests Pat Gibbons, SVP at Walker, and Megan Burns, a customer experience expert, author, and keynote speaker.

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Give Them That “A-ha!” Moment

Give Them That “A-ha!” Moment

Released: October 10, 2023 • Episode #288

Here's a situation you might have heard about, or even experienced: you’re ready to get going on this CX “thing” – you’re going to revolutionize your company. But you don’t quite have executive buy-in, or you’ve got the buy-in but you just can’t get people to do what needs to be done. It’s a common problem with companies new to customer experience. Host Steve Walker welcomes back Megan Burns, CX pioneer, keynoter, and advisor, for a discussion on how to active customer experience in your organization.

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Consistently Good, Strategically Amazing

Consistently Good, Strategically Amazing

Released: September 26, 2023 • Episode #286

When did customer experience come into existence? If you’ve listened to this show for a while, you’ll know there was no definitive “big bang” event for CX. It evolved from various other disciplines into the “ethos” of customer centricity that it is today. And there’s no stopping it – customer experience is here to stay, and we can’t wait to see what’s in store for the future. Host Steve Walker welcomes back Megan Burns, a world-renowned author, keynoter, and CX expert, for a discussion on the past, present, and future of customer experience.

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Getting over the bump

Getting over the bump

Released: September 25, 2018 • Episode #38

Host Steve Walker welcomes Megan Burns, CEO of Experience Enterprises, as the next guest in the Luminaries of CX series. The conversation includes how Burns started her career in the CX space and what the future holds for the customer experience industry.

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